
Fieldays - Advertising and Promotion

Bang for Buck

John Wanamaker (1838-1922) is most often attributed to the quote "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half”.  We have had many conversations about this over the last year or so.  When Orange Cross was in its infancy the shareholders and directors paid for Fieldays sites and we had no paid staff over the four days. 

We have a philosophy to keep costs to clients down which means we look closely at all spending that is not going into servicing clients, improving product and making things easier for clients and staff. 

In 2022 we were advised by Fieldays that we would not have access to the AgriBiz tent and had to go into the main pavilion - with a significant increase in costs.  It made us question the merits and we decided against it.  We are not at Fieldays to sell.  We enjoy chatting to farmers and meeting - often for the first time - clients.  We have nothing free to give away at the site.  We have had a championship for "connect four" with associated bragging rights on offer and the occasional candy and shed aprons.

So in 2023 we have decided that in lieu of Fieldays site we will increase our support more locally - the Dairy Industry Awards in Waikato and Auckland/Hauraki and local Discussion Groups.  If you are a client and want support for your local Discussion Group (helping with lunch etc) contact us.

We know that Fieldays is getting more expensive for couples and families.  So we are offering those who are clients (using the full version of Orange Cross) half price tickets to Fieldays.  The rule of thumb is two subsidised tickets per farm; with a limited number available.

It is a little thing we can do to make it easier for those visiting Fieldays.  The tickets are transferable so you can give them to staff and neighbours.  But they are not redeemable for cash nor can they be returned for a refund after the event!

Hope you all have grass growing and sun shining (at least occasionally) 

Click here or the image below to get to the link for tickets (first in first served):

 Fieldays 2023 TICKETS


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